

오픈프라이스 제도 에대한 ppt 발표자료

오픈 프라이스 ppt 10월달 상업경제 수업 발표용 프리젠테이션 입니다. 오픈 프라이스의 개념 오픈프라이스 제도는 제조업체가 정하는 권장 소비자 가격을 폐지하고, 최종 판매업자가 판매가격을 정하는 제도입니다. 오픈 프라이스와 관련된 규정- 가격표시제 실시요령공산품의 가격표시와 소비자기본법 제12조 규정에 의해 권장소비자가격을 표시함을 규정- 소비자 기본법국가는 소비자의 합리적인 선택을 방해하고 소비자에게 손해를 끼칠 우려가 있다고 인정되는 사업자의 부당한 행위를 지정하고 고시할 수 있다. 여기서 부당한 행위란? 가격표시제 실시요령 제 10조 부당한 행위의 유형권장소비자가격 등을 표시하여 소비자가 합리적인 선택을 하는것을 방해하며 의도적으로 권장소비자가격을 높여 소비자들이 높은 할인율을 적용받는것 처럼 인..


[전산회계 프로그램 ] KcLep 프로그램 다운받기

금일 7/10 전산회계 2급 소수전공 수업 시작 1일차 -케이 렙 수험용 프로그램 다운받기 링크 혹은 설치 후


The junior who have great English skills.

Yesterday, Sunrin internet high school club Nefus's interview was conducted.There are very many students including Nefus seniors.All juniors have each personality and ability. but among them the most is one girl who is Class 3.She has excellent English skills even she can conversation with my senior who study abroad before. Senior said "What is your biggest stress?"She said "My stress is about m..


2013 선린 2학년 정통 필독도서

나의 문화유산답사기. 7: 돌하르방 어디 감수광저자유홍준 지음출판사창비 | 2012-09-15 출간카테고리역사/문화책소개인간과 역사와 예술이 어우러진 기행문학의 백미를 만나다!답사 신... 나의 문화유산 답사기 7 (제주도편) 난장이가 쏘아올린 작은 공저자조세희 지음출판사이성과 힘 펴냄 | 2000-10-01 출간카테고리소설책소개- 난쟁이가 쏘아올린 작은공


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone저자Rowling, J. K./ GrandPre, Mary (ILT) 지음출판사Scholastic | 1999-09-07 출간카테고리아동책소개해리 포터와 친구들의 마법학교에서의 모험과 성장을 그린 베스트셀... Harry's parents were killed by the evil wizard Voldemort when he was a baby. Miraculously, he survives with only a lightning-bolt scar.Harry is taken to live with his nasty relatives.They hide the truth about his parents.Ten years later, he ge..


Write about a story you read in a book or magazine or a movie you saw,.

Write about a story you read in a book or magazine or a movie you saw,. My last movie is Lord of the ring. This movie has many series like Twin tower that I saw today. Movie has main character who is hobbit 'Frodo' and many support character. Frodo have to go to Mordor and destroy 'the ring of power' so he go to Mordor with hobbit Sam and assistant Gollum. Meanwhile villain Sauron drew Saruman t..


Imagine that you are living in the perfect place for you.

Imagine that you are living in the perfect place for you.This place can be real or imagined. Describe it. These are real place.When I was a kid my perfect place is under the slide in playgrounds. there are so many friends and toys.Children playing with sand and 'mom playing', It was very fun in my memory.In middle school, my perfect place is classroom also there are many friends too.Now my perfe..


Write about your interesting thing you have observed about someone in your class.

Write about your interesting thing you have observed about someone in your class. I will write about one friend in my classroom. The main character of my writing is Yu-min Lee She is a special girl who one of three girl in my class. She is a girl but she acts like a boy. For example, she aways run and run to catch other boys also she has huge voice and active personality. Her adventage is kind a..

'self-development/study' 카테고리의 글 목록 (3 Page)